Water Joint

About this product

The Water Joint (#87251-35020), a critical component in Toyota's Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning - Water Piping system and the Engine-Fuel Radiator & Water Outlet system, performs a crucial task of managing the flow of coolant. This part ensures a steady coolant flow, helping to maintain ideal engine temperatures and prevent overheating. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Water Joint (#87251-35020), provide optimal compatibility and performance, being backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, Water Joint (#87251-35020)s may degrade or clog, which can impede coolant flow, leading to overheating or system damage. Regular replacement is therefore recommended for effective function. A properly operating Water Joint (#87251-35020) contributes significantly to the overall system efficiency and safety by preventing engine damage due to excessive heat.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87251-35020

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