Key Cylinder Ignition

About this product

The Key Cylinder Ignition (#SU003-02482), a crucial part of Toyota's Lock Cylinder Set, primarily functions to initiate the vehicle's ignition system. By inserting and turning the key in this cylinder, an electrical path is opened and the engine's ignition process begins. Genuine Toyota parts like these are particularly important for vehicle compatibility and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Key Cylinder Ignition (#SU003-02482)'s operation depends heavily on the mechanical components within it. Over time, these components can wear down, become clogged with debris, or break, impacting the vehicle's ability to start. Regular replacement of this part is crucial to prevent these issues. Overall, a properly functioning Key Cylinder Ignition (#SU003-02482) contributes greatly to the vehicle's dependability and safety, ensuring a smooth start each time you turn your key.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-02482

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