Speedometer Adaptor Key

About this product

The Speedometer Adaptor Key (#83798-17010), an integral part of Toyota's Meter system, serves a primary role in accurately transmitting the vehicle's speed. This Electrical component functions by converting the rotation speed from the transmission into an electrical signal, which is then portrayed on the speedometer. Over time, its efficiency may decline, causing inaccurate readings, making it essential to periodically replace the part. If the Speedometer Adaptor Key (#83798-17010) becomes old, broken or non-functional, the incorrect speed readings could potentially lead to safety issues. Genuine Toyota parts not only uphold vehicle compatibility but are also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Speedometer Adaptor Key (#83798-17010) thus significantly contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle by providing precise speed readings, enabling drivers to maintain safe and legal speeds.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 83798-17010

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