Speedometer Sensor Key

About this product

The Speedometer Sensor Key (#83783-22010), an essential electrical component in Toyota's Meter system, plays a pivotal role in monitoring and displaying the vehicle's speed. As the vehicle moves, the sensor captures data from the transmission and converts it into a readable speed displayed on the dashboard. Just like any other part, the Speedometer Sensor Key (#83783-22010) can age, become clogged or break. If this happens, it may give incorrect speed readings or fail altogether, leading to possible safety issues. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is advised. Not only are these parts highly compatible with your vehicle, but they also have the backing of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a properly functioning Speedometer Sensor Key (#83783-22010) is vital for safe and efficient vehicle operation by providing accurate speed readings.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 83783-22010

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