Synchromesh Shifting High Key

About this product

The Synchromesh Shifting High Key (#36249-34020), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Transfer Gear system, plays a pivotal role in providing smooth gear shifts. As part of the intricate gearbox mechanics, it works by synchronizing the rotational speeds of the input and output shafts during gear shifts. Consequently, this facilitates a smooth transition between gears, reducing the chance of wear and tear on the gearbox components. Just like any other moving part, the Synchromesh Shifting High Key (#36249-34020) also ages and becomes less efficient over time. A worn-out High Key could result in harsh, grinding gear shifts, potentially damaging other gearbox components in the process. By using genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is optimized and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Synchromesh Shifting High Key (#36249-34020) is vital for seamless gear shifts and overall vehicle performance, making your drive safer and smoother.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36249-34020

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