
About this product

The Knob (#90010-23060), an essential part in Toyota's Electrical Navigation & Front Monitor Display system and the Electrical Radio Receiver & Amplifier & Condenser system, plays a critical role in controlling and adjusting the settings of these systems. When in operation, the knob allows the user to navigate through various settings and preferences, such as volume, frequency, or map zoom level. However, over time, the Knob (#90010-23060) can become worn out or even break from repeated use. When this happens, it can affect the responsiveness or even the functionality of the systems controlled by the knob. Therefore, it is crucial to periodically replace it with a genuine Toyota part to maintain compatibility and performance. Remember, all genuine Toyota parts, including the Knob (#90010-23060), are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By replacing worn-out knobs, you're not only preserving the functionality of your vehicle's systems but also its efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90010-23060

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