Cooler Control Switch Knob

About this product

The Cooler Control Switch Knob (#84661-60080), an essential electrical component in Toyota's Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, adjusts the vehicle's interior climate. The knob allows the driver to control the airflow and temperature within the vehicle, contributing to the overall comfort and safety of the passengers. In operation, the knob passes electrical signals to the air conditioning system, adjusting the cooling effect. As with all parts, the Cooler Control Switch Knob (#84661-60080) can become worn or damaged over time, leading to a lack of control over the vehicle's internal climate. This could have adverse effects on the comfort and safety of the passengers. Using a genuine Toyota Cooler Control Switch Knob (#84661-60080) backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty ensures compatibility with your vehicle while maintaining the performance of the Heating & Air Conditioning system. This part plays a crucial role in enhancing your vehicle's overall efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84661-60080

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