Door Lock Control Knob

About this product

The Door Lock Control Knob (#69741-90K00-B8), a crucial Body part in the Rear Door Lock & Handle system, performs an essential safety function. This component facilitates the locking and unlocking of the vehicle's rear doors, safeguarding passengers and personal belongings inside. The knob activates the locking mechanism when twisted, engaging a series of levers and rods that either lock or unlock the door. However, like all parts, it can wear down over time or become clogged with dirt, which can lead to improper function or complete failure. Neglecting to replace a faulty Door Lock Control Knob (#69741-90K00-B8) may result in an inability to secure the vehicle adequately or in extreme cases, a potential safety hazard if occupants are unable to exit hastily. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In short, the Door Lock Control knob plays a pivotal role in ensuring the security and safety of your vehicle, highlighting the importance of regular check-ups and timely replacements.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 69741-90K00-B8

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