Knob Lbs

About this product

The Knob Lbs (#SU003-07111) is an integral part of the Shift Lever & Retainer system within the Drive-Chassis category of Toyota autoparts. This component plays a primary role in managing the shift lever function, assisting in the seamless transmission of the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts like the Knob Lbs (#SU003-07111) are critical for vehicle compatibility, presenting optimal performance and safety. Plus, they come with the reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of the Knob Lbs (#SU003-07111) is crucial. If it becomes old or broken, it can affect the accurate functioning of the gear system. Thus, timely replacement prevents potential gear shift problems and maintains a vehicle's efficiency. In conclusion, the Knob Lbs (#SU003-07111) directly influences the vehicle's operational efficiency and safety, acting as a linchpin for the smooth functioning of the transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-07111

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