Lever Knob #2

About this product

The Lever Knob #2 (#36325-35010-05), an essential component in the Drive-Chassis system of a Toyota vehicle, has a key role in the Shift Lever & Retainer system. This part facilitates gear shifts in the vehicle and contributes greatly to the vehicle's overall performance. Like all auto parts, the Lever Knob #2 (#36325-35010-05) can undergo wear and tear over time, necessitating its periodic replacement to maintain optimal vehicle operation. If the Lever Knob #2 (#36325-35010-05) becomes old, broken, or non-functional, it could lead to difficulty in changing gears, which could potentially affect the safety and efficiency of the vehicle. The use of genuine Toyota parts is recommended for compatibility and performance reasons, with Toyota's genuine parts warranty serving as added protection for customers. In conclusion, the Lever Knob #2 (#36325-35010-05) is a critical component in the Drive-Chassis system, contributing to the smooth gear shifting that ensures your vehicle's efficient and safe operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36325-35010-05

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