Reclining Adjuster Knob

About this product

The Reclining Adjuster Knob (#72592-20040-02), a crucial component in the Front Seat & Seat Track system of Toyota vehicles, plays a primary role in adjusting the inclination of the front seats. This knob works in harmony with the adjuster mechanism, allowing passengers to alter their seating position for optimal comfort and safety during the journey. The use of genuine Toyota parts, including the Reclining Adjuster Knob (#72592-20040-02), is highly recommended for seamless compatibility with your vehicle. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs each of these components, highlighting their reliability and quality. The Reclining Adjuster Knob (#72592-20040-02) requires periodic replacement. As it ages, it may become worn out or break, leading to an inability to adjust the seat. This could result in uncomfortable or potentially unsafe seating positions. Therefore, a fully functional Reclining Adjuster Knob (#72592-20040-02) is essential in maintaining the overall efficiency and safety of the seat adjustment system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72592-20040-02
Color Name Red

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