Rheostat Light Knob

About this product

The Rheostat Light Knob (#84118-22030), a crucial electrical component found in the Switch & Relay & Computer system, is designed to control the intensity of the vehicle's dashboard lights. As you rotate this knob, it adjusts the current flowing to the dashboard lights, thereby controlling their brightness. This interactive process makes driving at night more comfortable and less strenuous on the eyes. However, like any other part, the Rheostat Light Knob (#84118-22030) may wear out over time, impeding its functionality. This can result in diminished control over the brightness of your dashboard lights, which can be distracting and potentially hazardous while driving at night. Opting for a genuine Toyota Rheostat Light Knob (#84118-22030) ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, this part plays a pivotal role in enhancing your vehicle's safety by providing optimal lighting conditions for nighttime driving.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84118-22030

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