Battery Caution Label #1

About this product

The Battery Caution Label #1 (#G9275-0R011), a crucial body part in the Caution Plate system of a Toyota vehicle, provides vital safety information to the user regarding the car battery. Genuine Toyota parts like this are key to maintaining compatibility with your vehicle and come with the added reassurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Battery Caution Label #1 (#G9275-0R011) warns users about potential hazards and guides them on appropriate handling of the battery to avoid accidents. In time, this label may degrade or become unreadable. If not replaced, this could lead to improper battery handling, compromising safety. This label contributes significantly to the overall safety of the system it's installed in, by informing users of the potential risks and proper maintenance of the car battery.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G9275-0R011

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