Label(Bk Fluid)

About this product

The Label(Bk Fluid) (#SU003-00521) is a crucial part in Toyota's Drive-Chassis Brake Booster & Vacuum Tube and Drive-Chassis Brake Master Cylinder systems. This component plays a pivotal role in system identification, indicating the type and level of brake fluid required for optimal operation. Genuine Toyota parts, including this label, are designed to maintain vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If this part becomes faded, damaged, or illegible, it might lead to the incorrect type of brake fluid being used, which could potentially compromise the braking system's performance. Regular replacement of this label is necessary to maintain clarity and accuracy of information. By providing accurate information, Label(Bk Fluid) (#SU003-00521) upholds safety and efficiency of the braking system, ensuring the correct fluid is always used.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00521

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