HV Battery Information Label #1

About this product

The HV Battery Information Label #1 (#G9285-47060) is a crucial part in the Body Caution Plate and the Electrical Battery & Battery Cable systems of Toyota vehicles. This label provides vital data about the high voltage battery, such as its capacity, voltage, type, and manufacturer. It is important for accurate identification and safe handling of the battery. As a genuine Toyota part, it supports vehicle compatibility and is covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this label may become worn or illegible. If it becomes unreadable, it may lead to incorrect battery handling or replacement, which could endanger both the vehicle and its service personnel. Regular replacement of the label is strongly advised to prevent such issues. By providing clear and accurate information, the HV Battery Information Label #1 (#G9285-47060) enhances safety and efficiency within its system of operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number G9285-47060

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