Power Outlet Notice Label

About this product

The Power Outlet Notice Label (#85539-07010) is a crucial Body part under the Caution Plate (Exterior & Interior) system in Toyota vehicles. This label serves as a safety and information tool, providing critical details about power outlet usage, specifications, and potential hazards. It is a form of visual communication that helps drivers operate their vehicles safely and efficiently. Although this label doesn't directly interact with other components, it forms a pivotal part in providing safety instructions. Over time, these labels may fade or become unreadable due to wear and tear. In such cases, replacements are needed to maintain clear and legible instructions for the vehicle's occupants. Non-functional labels could lead to misuse of power outlets, potentially causing electrical faults or fires. By using genuine Toyota parts, vehicle compatibility is maintained. Furthermore, these parts are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Power Outlet Notice Label (#85539-07010), though simple, significantly contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle's system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85539-07010

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