Push Start Information Label

About this product

The Push Start Information Label (#89616-60010), a key component of the Toyota Body Caution Plate system, serves as an informative guide for users on how to operate the push start ignition. This label is crucial to the functionality of both the Body Caution Plate system and the Body Caution Plate (Exterior & Interior) system. The label ensures that users know how to correctly initiate the vehicle's ignition system, promoting both efficiency and safety. Like any part, the Push Start Information Label (#89616-60010) can deteriorate over time, leading to faded or illegible printing. This can result in confusion or misuse of the vehicle's ignition system. Maintaining a clear and visible label is therefore instrumental in preserving the safe operation of the vehicle. By using genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is optimised. These genuine parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Remember, a clear, updated Push Start Information Label (#89616-60010) contributes to the overall safety and efficient operation of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 89616-60010

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