Slide Door Information Label

About this product

The Slide Door Information Label (#74541-08100), a crucial component in the Caution Plate system of Toyota cars, plays an essential role in providing users with pertinent information regarding the proper operation and safety precautions of the vehicle's slide doors. This label, which is affixed on or near the door, often includes details on load limits, door operation, and safety warnings. On the surface, it may seem like a simple label, but when it becomes worn, faded or detached, critical safety and operational information can be lost. Therefore, it's vital to periodically check and replace this auto part with a genuine Toyota part to maintain vehicle compatibility. Genuine parts are not only designed to fit perfectly but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the grand scheme, the Slide Door Information Label (#74541-08100) contributes significantly to a vehicle's overall safety by ensuring users are informed about correct slide door usage, thus reducing the risk of accidents or damage.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 74541-08100

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