
About this product

The Lamp (#81520-69035), a crucial electrical auto part in the Front Turn Signal Lamp (#81520-69035) system of your Toyota, serves a paramount function. This part plays a significant role in signaling changes in vehicle direction, enhancing safety on the road. When activated, the lamp illuminates, indicating to other road users the driver's intent to turn or switch lanes. This operation involves various mechanisms and components such as filaments or diodes which emit light when energized. Periodic replacement of this part is essential as aging, cracks, or malfunctions can reduce its efficacy, leading to reduced visibility or miscommunication with road users, risking potential accidents. Genuine parts from Toyota not only offer compatibility with your vehicle but also come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Lamp (#81520-69035) greatly enhances the safety and efficiency of your vehicle, acting as a vital communication tool on the road.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 81520-60100
Part Number 81520-69035

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