Step Lamp Assembly

About this product

The Step Lamp Assembly (#81380-35010), a crucial Body part in the Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system, illuminates the footwell area, enhancing safety and functionality. This part enables visibility and easy access to the vehicle's front floor area during darker conditions. It operates by activating when the vehicle door is opened, lighting up the floor panel for the passenger's convenience. If the Step Lamp Assembly (#81380-35010) becomes worn or non-functional, visibility in the footwell area could be severely compromised, potentially leading to mishaps when entering or exiting the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts are recommended for replacement, as they seamlessly integrate with your vehicle's design, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By providing necessary illumination, the Step Lamp Assembly (#81380-35010) contributes to the overall safety of your Toyota vehicle, making it an essential part of the Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81380-35010

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