Rear Seat Lock Latch

About this product

The Rear Seat Lock Latch (#72696-0C010-C0), a critical component in the Seat & Seat Track system, holds a pivotal role in ensuring the safety and comfort of the vehicle's occupants. This part firmly secures the seats in place, preventing any unintended movements during travel. It operates by interlocking with the seat track, a mechanism that allows it to firmly secure the seat. Over time, this latch can wear out or break, rendering it ineffective. If this occurs, the seat might move unexpectedly, causing potential distraction to the driver or discomfort to passengers. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary and is a simple way to maintain the overall safety and comfort of the vehicle. By choosing genuine Toyota parts, you can maintain compatibility across your vehicle's systems. All genuine parts are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering added peace of mind. Ultimately, the Rear Seat Lock Latch (#72696-0C010-C0) contributes significantly to the vehicle's safety, ensuring a stable and comfortable ride.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72696-0C010-C0
Color Name Black

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