
About this product

The Leaf (#48202-60201), a pivotal Drive-Chassis part in the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system, plays a crucial role in maintaining vehicle stability and ride comfort. This component, when functioning optimally, absorbs and dissipates the energy from road bumps to ensure smooth ride quality. The Leaf (#48202-60201) works in tandem with the shock absorber to counteract and regulate the oscillations of the spring, converting kinetic energy into thermal energy that is then dissipated. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Leaf (#48202-60201), are key to vehicle compatibility and come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, with time and use, the Leaf (#48202-60201) can wear out or break, resulting in a bumpy ride and a lack of vehicle control. It is essential to replace this part periodically to maintain the safety and efficiency of your vehicle’s suspension system. The Leaf (#48202-60201)’s durability and optimal performance contribute significantly to the overall safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 48202-60200
Part Number 48202-60201

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