Leaf Rear #8

About this product

The Leaf Rear #8 (#48218-60140) is a critical Drive-Chassis component in the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system, integral to a vehicle's road handling and ride quality. This part, also known as a leaf spring, is designed to absorb and distribute load forces. As the vehicle moves, the leaf rear flexes and releases stored energy, providing vehicle stability. Genuine Toyota parts like this Leaf Rear #8 (#48218-60140) are essential for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, a leaf rear can become worn or damaged, compromising its function. This can lead to unstable vehicle handling, decreased ride comfort, and potential safety risks. Replacing this part periodically is crucial to maintain optimum performance. By providing stability and good handling, the Leaf Rear #8 (#48218-60140) significantly contributes to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle's suspension system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 48218-60060
Part Number 48218-60140

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