Leaf Rear Spring #4

About this product

The Leaf Rear Spring #4 (#48214-35420), a critical Drive-Chassis part within the Rear Spring & Shock Absorber system of your Toyota vehicle, is primarily responsible for supporting vehicle weight and absorbing road shocks. During vehicle operation, the Leaf Rear Spring #4 (#48214-35420) flexes and recoils to accommodate changes in load and road conditions. Genuine Toyota Leaf Rear Spring #4 (#48214-35420)s are designed for compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Like all auto parts, they require periodic replacement. An old or damaged Leaf Rear Spring #4 (#48214-35420) may lead to issues such as poor handling or a harsh ride, which could compromise vehicle safety and performance. The Leaf Rear Spring #4 (#48214-35420) plays a significant role in maintaining the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, making it an essential component of your Toyota's suspension system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 48214-35420

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