Lens & Body Compllh

About this product

The Lens & Body Compllh (#SU003-10121) is a pivotal auto part in the Headlamp system of a vehicle. This electrical component plays a critical role by focusing and directing the headlight beam, aiding visibility during nighttime drives or in poor weather conditions. Its core function involves refracting the light source through the lens, casting a concentrated beam onto the road ahead. Over time, this part may suffer from wear and tear, leading to a decrease in performance. This could manifest in a loss of light intensity or misaligned lighting, posing safety risks. Therefore, periodic replacement is advised, with genuine Toyota parts being the best option. These original parts are designed for optimal compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In sum, a well-functioning Lens & Body Compllh (#SU003-10121) is not just an asset, but a necessity for safe driving, significantly enhancing visibility and thereby contributing to the overall safety of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-10121

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