Lens & Body Complllu

About this product

The Toyota Lens & Body Complllu (#SU003-05160), an integral part of the Headlamp system, plays a vital role in vehicle operation. This Electrical part illuminates the road ahead for safe and efficient driving. As your vehicle moves, the Lens & Body Complllu (#SU003-05160) works by effectively focusing and directing the light produced by the bulb within your headlamp system. Over time, this part may become worn or damaged, which can cause decreased visibility and potentially compromise safety. Thus, periodic replacement is necessary. If this part is old, clogged, or broken, your headlamp might not perform optimally, affecting your ability to see clearly in low light or adverse weather conditions. Use genuine Toyota parts for compatibility with your vehicle. These parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Lens & Body Complllu (#SU003-05160) not only enhances the efficiency of your Toyota's headlamp system but also significantly contributes to your overall safety on the road.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) SU003-04633
Part Number SU003-05160

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