Rear Combination Lens&Body

About this product

The Rear Combination Lens&Body (#81561-35120), a critical electrical part in the Rear Combination Lamp system of a Toyota vehicle, performs a vital role in ensuring proper visibility for other drivers and road users. As part of the tail light assembly, it helps to signal the vehicle's movements like slowing, stopping, or turning. Genuine Toyota parts like this are crucial for vehicle compatibility, and they are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, like other parts, the Rear Combination Lens&Body (#81561-35120) can deteriorate over time. An aged or faulty lens might not emit or distribute light properly, potentially leading to visibility issues and increasing the risk of accidents. Hence, periodic replacement is necessary for optimal functionality. Through its pivotal role in ensuring visibility and conveying driving intentions, the Rear Combination Lens&Body (#81561-35120) significantly contributes to traffic safety, upholding Toyota's commitment to a safe driving environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 81561-35121
Part Number 81561-35120

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