Cigarette Lighter Indicator Lens

About this product

The Cigarette Lighter Indicator Lens (#85533-16020), an essential component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your vehicle, serves a crucial role in signaling the readiness of the cigarette lighter. It illuminates when the lighter is hot and ready to use, providing a visual cue for the driver to avoid unnecessary distraction. Over time, this electrical part, like any other, may wear out, become dim, or completely fail. When this happens, not only is the visual indication lost, but it can also lead to electrical complications. This necessitates its periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which offer compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By functioning seamlessly in the system, the Cigarette Lighter Indicator Lens (#85533-16020) enhances overall safety by providing timely and accurate information to the driver, thereby minimizing distraction and potential mishaps.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 85533-10010
Part Number 85533-16020

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