Interior Illumination Lamp Lens

About this product

The Interior Illumination Lamp Lens (#81362-08040), an electrical part in the Interior Lamp system of a Toyota vehicle, is a crucial component. This lens helps to disperse light from the lamp source, ensuring that vehicle interiors are adequately lit. The lens functions as a channel, directing the light to the necessary areas, greatly enhancing visibility and safety while operating the vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Interior Illumination Lamp Lens (#81362-08040), are crucial to ensure vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As time passes, the lens might become scratched, cloudy, or break - reducing the quality and spread of light. This can lead to poor illumination, affecting visibility and potentially the safety of the vehicle’s occupants. Hence, periodic replacement is necessary for maintaining the overall efficiency of the vehicle’s interior lighting system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81362-08040

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