Rear Room Lens

About this product

The Rear Room Lens (#81251-12030), an electrical component in Toyota's Interior Lamp system, plays a crucial role in enhancing visibility within the vehicle cabin. This high-quality Toyota auto part operates by diffusing the light from the interior lamp, thereby providing even illumination throughout the vehicle's interior. Aging or non-functional Rear Room Lens (#81251-12030)es can compromise the light diffusion, leading to poor interior visibility that may affect the driver's alertness or cause distractions. Therefore, periodic replacement is suggested. Always remember that using genuine Toyota parts not only ensures vehicle compatibility, but is also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining optimal interior lighting, the Rear Room Lens (#81251-12030) contributes significantly to the overall comfort and safety of passengers, making driving a smoother and safer experience, especially during night-time travels.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81251-12030

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