Stop Ctr Lamp Lens

About this product

The Stop Ctr Lamp Lens (#81571-0C050) is a key electrical component in the Center Stop Lamp system of Toyota vehicles. Its primary role is to house and protect the light source that signals to other drivers when you're braking. The genuine part, designed for seamless compatibility with your Toyota vehicle, is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. When functioning properly, the Stop Ctr Lamp Lens (#81571-0C050) allows for clear transmission of light, enhancing visibility and safety. However, over time, the lens can become clouded, cracked, or even non-functional, restricting the light output and risking miscommunication with other drivers. This makes regular replacement of the Stop Ctr Lamp Lens (#81571-0C050) essential. Remember, a fully functional Stop Ctr Lamp Lens (#81571-0C050) significantly contributes to your vehicle's safety, by facilitating clear signaling and communication on the road.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 81571-0C050

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