Level Indicator

About this product

The Toyota Level Indicator (#SU003-04246) is a critical Drive-Chassis part located within the Brake Master Cylinder system. It plays a pivotal role by helping to monitor and maintain the appropriate level of brake fluid within the system during operation. The primary functionality of this part involves the efficient tracking of fluid levels, ensuring optimum braking performance. The Level Indicator (#SU003-04246) consists of a float mechanism which rises and falls in response to the brake fluid level. It is important to note that this part requires periodic replacement. As it gets old or clogged, it may fail to provide an accurate reading, risking insufficient brake fluid levels and potentially compromising brake performance. Opting for genuine Toyota parts not only ensures vehicle compatibility but also comes with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Furthermore, the Level Indicator (#SU003-04246) substantially contributes to the safety of the vehicle. It allows for consistent, optimal braking function, thereby enhancing the vehicle's overall efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04246

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