Level Sensor Sub

About this product

The Level Sensor Sub (#SU003-01105) is a crucial part within the Fuel Tank & Tube system of any vehicle, Toyota included. This body part is primarily responsible for detecting and monitoring the amount of fuel in the tank, relaying this information to the vehicle's internal system. It works in unison with other components to manage fuel consumption efficiently. Like any part, the Level Sensor Sub (#SU003-01105) requires periodic replacement. An old or non-functional sensor could result in faulty readings, leading to incorrect fuel gauge readings and possible vehicle breakdowns due to fuel exhaustion. By opting for genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is enhanced. These authentic parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty lending added peace of mind. In conclusion, the Level Sensor Sub (#SU003-01105) plays a vital role in fuel management which impacts the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle. It ensures that you are always aware of your vehicle's fuel status, enabling timely refueling and preventing potential breakdowns.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-01105

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