Lever Assembly H B Llb

About this product

The Lever Assembly H B Llb (#SU003-00528) is a critical Drive-Chassis part in the Parking Brake & Cable system of a Toyota vehicle. Its main role is to initiate the engagement and disengagement of the parking brake. This function is achieved by the lever interacting with various connecting cables and elements within the brake system. Over time, the Lever Assembly H B Llb (#SU003-00528) can wear out, resulting in a malfunctioning parking brake. This can lead to dangerous situations, where the vehicle may roll when parked on an incline. To avoid such risks, it is essential to replace the lever assembly periodically with genuine Toyota parts, which offer compatibility with the vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the Parking Brake & Cable system, the Lever Assembly H B Llb (#SU003-00528) contributes significantly to the overall functionality and safety, providing reliable brake engagement and disengagement.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00528

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