Parking Brake Intermediate Lever Assembly

About this product

The Parking Brake Intermediate Lever Assembly (#46320-47030), a crucial Drive-Chassis part within the Parking Brake & Cable system in Toyota vehicles, serves a critical role in the operation of the parking brake. The intermediate lever assembly amplifies the force applied by the parking brake cable, which propels the brake shoes to lock the wheels. This assembly, like all parts, ages and may become less effective. Failing to replace this component when needed can cause the parking brake to work less effectively, leading to potential safety risks. Therefore, it is essential to use genuine Toyota parts that are specifically compatible with your vehicle and are covered by Toyota's parts warranty. The performance of the Parking Brake Intermediate Lever Assembly (#46320-47030) ensures that the parking brake system operates at peak efficiency, contributing to the overall safety and performance of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 46320-47030

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