Transfer Shift Lever Assembly

About this product

The Transfer Shift Lever Assembly (#36360-35590) is a crucial component in the Drive-Chassis part category of Toyota vehicles. It belongs to the Transfer Lever & Shift Rod system and plays a pivotal role in shifting gears. As the driver operates the shift lever, it triggers the assembly to alter the gear setting in the transmission system. Over time, this assembly can become worn, lose its effectiveness, or even break. A non-functional Transfer Shift Lever Assembly (#36360-35590) could lead to gear-shifting issues, negatively affecting the vehicle's performance and potentially causing serious damage to the transmission system. Genuine Toyota Auto Parts, like the Transfer Shift Lever Assembly (#36360-35590), are designed specifically for Toyota vehicles, thus ensuring compatibility and enhancing performance. Furthermore, they are backed by Toyota’s Genuine Parts Warranty for the benefit of our customers. In conclusion, the Transfer Shift Lever Assembly (#36360-35590) is instrumental in maintaining a vehicle's efficiency as well as safety, by allowing smooth, precise gear changes. Regular replacement of this part is crucial to keep your Toyota running smoothly and reliably.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 36360-35590

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