Lever Higt Adjusting Left Hand

About this product

The Lever Higt Adjusting Left Hand (#SU003-04400) is a vital component within the Front Seat & Seat Track system of a Toyota vehicle. This auto part primarily functions to adjust the height of the vehicle's front seat, ensuring optimal driving comfort and visibility. The mechanism involves a simple lever system that is engaged when pressure is applied. It is crucial to periodically replace this component as over time, it may become worn, broken, or nonfunctional. A faulty Lever Higt Adjusting Left Hand (#SU003-04400) can compromise driver comfort, visibility, and consequently, safety. Always opt for genuine Toyota auto parts. They are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Lever Higt Adjusting Left Hand (#SU003-04400) plays a crucial role in the overall safety and operational efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-04400

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