Lever Reclining Platerh

About this product

The Lever Reclining Platerh (#SU003-09772), a critical component in Toyota's Front Seat & Seat Track system, plays a significant role in seat adjustment, ensuring comfortable and safe positioning for the driver and passengers. Driving a Toyota vehicle, you can smoothly adjust the incline of your front seats with this lever, providing ergonomic support for different body types and driving durations. Although highly durable, the Lever Reclining Platerh (#SU003-09772) can be subjected to wear and tear due to regular use. Over time, this may lead to malfunction, compromising its ability to securely lock the seat into the desired position. Consequently, safety and comfort could be compromised. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is essential. Toyota's genuine parts are explicitly designed for compatibility with your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Lever Reclining Platerh (#SU003-09772) is crucial for the overall efficiency of the Front Seat & Seat Track system, enhancing your driving experience by prioritizing comfort and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09772

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