Rear Back Lock Control Lever Sub-Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Rear Back Lock Control Lever Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#72068-16021) is a significant component found in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system of a Toyota model. This part plays a fundamental role in ensuring the secure positioning of the rear seats. Its function is simple but crucial: it keeps the rear seats locked in place when needed, and allows them to be released when adjustment or folding is necessary. Employing genuine Toyota parts for this assembly aids in achieving seamless vehicle compatibility. Like any other auto part, the Rear Back Lock Control Lever Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#72068-16021) requires occasional replacement. Over time, the lever can wear down, break or become non-functional. If this occurs, the safety and stability of the rear seats can be compromised, posing a potential hazard to passengers. By routinely replacing this important part, you uphold the safety standards of your vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts come backed by Toyota's authentic parts warranty, providing an added level of assurance. In conclusion, the Rear Back Lock Control Lever Sub-Assembly Left Hand (#72068-16021) contributes significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 72068-16021

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