Winch Clutch Lever

About this product

The Winch Clutch Lever (#38221-60250), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Winch system, is primarily responsible for engaging or disengaging the winch drum from the drive mechanism. It enables the driver to control the winch cable's movement - either let it spool or halt. When the lever is old or damaged, the winch might become non-responsive or erratic, which could lead to potential safety hazards. Therefore, periodic replacement of the Winch Clutch Lever (#38221-60250) is recommended. Genuine Toyota components, such as this, are crucial for maintaining the original quality and compatibility of your vehicle. Moreover, all Toyota Genuine Parts come with a Toyota warranty. The Winch Clutch Lever (#38221-60250) contributes significantly to the safety and efficiency of the vehicle's winch system, ensuring the smooth and controlled operation of the winch.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 38221-60250

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