Back Window Lock Assembly

About this product

The Back Window Lock Assembly (#69370-35010), a critical body part in the Roof Panel & Back Panel system, primarily secures the back window of a vehicle, preventing it from unintentional movement during operation. This function ensures the stability of the back window, thereby promoting safety and vehicle integrity. Composed of multiple components including a lock mechanism and mounting hardware, this assembly may need replacement over time due to wear and tear. When aged, broken, or non-functional, the Back Window Lock Assembly (#69370-35010) could compromise the vehicle's security and stability. If left unattended, it could result in window displacement or damages. By using genuine Toyota parts, compatibility with your vehicle is maintained, and these come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty for added peace of mind. The Back Window Lock Assembly (#69370-35010)'s role is integral to the overall safety and efficiency of the vehicle, providing secure and stable window placement and operation.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 69370-89103
Part Number 69370-35010

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