Glove Compartment Door Lock Assembly

About this product

The Glove Compartment Door Lock Assembly (#55560-95J00-C0), a crucial component in the Seat & Seat Track system, primarily secures the glove compartment in Toyota vehicles. This mechanism involves a lock-and-key setup that allows the compartment to be securely closed and opened only by the correct key, protecting any valuables stowed inside. Over time, lock assemblies can wear down or even break, resulting in a glove compartment that won't stay shut or can't be unlocked. This can leave your possessions unprotected or unreachable. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts is crucial for maintaining compatibility and optimal function. These genuine parts are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In terms of overall vehicle efficiency and safety, a properly functioning Glove Compartment Door Lock Assembly (#55560-95J00-C0) contributes by providing a secure place to store important documents or items while in transit.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 55560-95704-03;55560-95704-04;55560-95704-06;55560-95704-13;55560-95704-16;55560-95J00-A0;55560-95J00-B1;55560-95J00-B3;55560-95J00-B5;55560-95J00-B6;55560-95J00-B8;55560-95J00-E1;55560-95J00-E3;55560-95J00-E5;55560-95J00-G0;55560-95J00-B7 More
Part Number 55560-95J00-C0
Color Name Black

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