Glove Compartment Door Lock Assembly

About this product

The Glove Compartment Door Lock Assembly (#55560-16010-24), a crucial Body part in the Instrument Panel & Glove Compartment system, plays a vital role in security. This assembly secures the glove compartment, preventing unauthorized access to essential documents or items stored inside. The mechanism comprises a locking cylinder, latch, and a key. Over time, the assembly may degrade or malfunction due to wear and tear, potentially leading to a stuck or non-functional glove compartment. This could pose a significant inconvenience, especially in situations where immediate access to the glove compartment is necessary. To maintain compatibility and avoid such issues, it's advised to replace this assembly periodically using genuine Toyota parts. These authentic parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering added peace of mind. By ensuring the glove compartment is reliably secure, the Glove Compartment Door Lock Assembly (#55560-16010-24) contributes to the overall operational integrity and security of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55560-16010-24

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