Console Compartment Door Lock

About this product

The Console Compartment Door Lock (#58971-60030), a key component in Toyota's Body Console Box & Bracket system and the Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning system, secures the console box, preventing unauthorized access. This auto part works by engaging a locking mechanism when the key is turned, thereby restricting access to the console compartment. Over time, it may become worn or damaged and may need replacement. Failing to replace a faulty Console Compartment Door Lock (#58971-60030) can lead to a compromise in security, potentially allowing access to valuable objects stored within the console box. Genuine Toyota parts are highly recommended for compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering reliability and peace of mind. Ultimately, the Console Compartment Door Lock (#58971-60030) not only ensures the safety of items stored in the console box but also contributes to the overall security of the vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 58971-60030

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