Roof Console Box Mat

About this product

The Roof Console Box Mat (#63665-04010) is a crucial part of Toyota's Roof Headlining & Silencer Pad system. Installed within the roof console box, this mat serves a primary role in absorbing and reducing the noise generated by the vehicle, creating a quiet and comfortable interior space. It operates in conjunction with other parts of the roof lining system to muffle any intrusive sounds from the outside or the vehicle's mechanical operations. Periodic replacement of the mat is necessary as it can become worn, caked with debris, or broken over time. An old or non-functional mat can lead to increased noise levels within the vehicle, impacting the comfort and experience of the passengers. By choosing genuine Toyota parts like the Roof Console Box Mat (#63665-04010), you support the compatibility and longevity of your vehicle. These parts are also supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. To sum up, this mat plays a significant role in enhancing the efficiency and comfort of your Toyota vehicle's interior acoustic environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 63665-04010

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