Mayday Assembly

About this product

The Mayday Assembly (#86070-08030), a crucial electrical component in Toyota’s Telephone & Mayday system, plays a paramount role in maintaining the vehicle's safety and communication capabilities. By transmitting emergency alerts and facilitating hands-free telephone operation, it contributes significantly to a secure driving experience. This part, like others, may degrade over time and should routinely be replaced with genuine Toyota parts, which are designed for perfect compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. If the Mayday Assembly (#86070-08030) becomes aged, clogged, or broken, communication and safety measures may be compromised. This could lead to a lack of timely assistance in emergencies and a potential decline in the overall efficiency of the Telephone & Mayday system. Keeping this part in its optimal condition ensures a robust and reliable communication system, enhancing safety and peace of mind for all Toyota drivers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86070-08030

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