Floor Side Member Assembly Left Hand

About this product

The Floor Side Member Assembly Left Hand (#57420-08010), an integral body part in the Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system, serves a crucial function in the structural integrity and safety of your Toyota vehicle. This assembly is designed to provide support and stability to the floor panel, assisting in maintaining the vehicle's shape and overall structural balance. Its role is significant as it shields the underbody from impacts and helps prevent the cabin from deforming during accidents. However, like all parts, it's subject to wear and tear and may need replacement over time. If the assembly becomes too old, damaged, or non-functional, it could compromise the structural integrity and safety of the vehicle. By choosing genuine Toyota parts like the Floor Side Member Assembly Left Hand (#57420-08010), you're investing in parts specifically tailored for compatibility with your vehicle. These parts are also covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This assembly's diligence in maintaining structural integrity contributes to the safety and efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 57420-08010

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