Front Floor Cross Member Assembly

About this product

The Front Floor Cross Member Assembly (#57450-0E010) is a crucial component within the Floor Side Member system of a Toyota vehicle. It's a Body part that functions as a structural element, providing rigidity and support to the vehicle's floor. The Front Floor Cross Member Assembly (#57450-0E010) connects the frame rails, ensuring the structural integrity of the vehicle. If this part becomes old, broken, worn out, or non-functional, it may compromise the structural stability of the vehicle. The periodical replacement of the Front Floor Cross Member Assembly (#57450-0E010) with genuine parts not only maintains vehicle compatibility but also falls under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Moreover, the Front Floor Cross Member Assembly (#57450-0E010) contributes significantly to the overall safety of the system, as it reinforces the car's structural strength and provides an important layer of protection for passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 57450-0E010

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