Rear Suspension Member Assembly with Cushion

About this product

The Rear Suspension Member Assembly with Cushion (#51270-0C012), a vital Body part in the Suspension Crossmember & Under Cover system, plays a critical role in securing stability and smoothness while driving. As the vehicle moves, this assembly absorbs the shocks and vibrations encountered on the road, providing a comfortable ride. This part's authenticity is paramount for compatibility and optimal performance, with genuine parts backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement is crucial, as a worn-out assembly may compromise vehicle handling, causing potential safety risks. An old or broken assembly can hinder the cushion's effectiveness, leading to increased vibrations and bumpy rides. In conclusion, this assembly's optimal functioning enhances the overall efficiency of the suspension system, contributing to a safer, smoother driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 51270-0C010;51270-0C011
Part Number 51270-0C012

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