Front Side Member Sub-Assembly Outerw/Inner

About this product

The Toyota Front Side Member Sub-Assembly Outerw/Inner (#57027-0R900) is a crucial component within the Front Floor Panel & Front Floor Member system. This Body part primarily provides structural support to the vehicle while in operation. It works in conjunction with other elements of the system to maintain the vehicle's structural integrity and to absorb and distribute impact in case of a collision. When this part becomes aged or damaged, it could compromise the vehicle's safety and performance. Hence, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, which are compatible with your vehicle and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is highly recommended. This part's functionality contributes significantly to the system's overall efficiency and, more importantly, to the safety of the vehicle. By maintaining the structural integrity of the vehicle, it helps keep the occupants safe.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 57027-0R900

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